Rachel + Price - West Tennessee Wedding

I've been away from the blog for a while! It's been months since I posted a wedding. The last thing I posted that wasn't birth related was the engagement pictures for Rachel and Price. They got married last month and I wanted a chance to tell their wedding story here!

Their wedding was beautiful, super relaxed, and VERY sunny. I may have gotten a sunburn. More on that later.

I didn't anticipate while building my house that someone would be getting ready for their wedding in it, but I think our little abode served pretty well for the getting ready space for Rachel's wedding.

Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer

Rachel used all of these cool copper decorations. 

Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer

I just like ring photos. :) 

Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer

Rachel and Price had a super sweet ceremony. It was very meaningful and very THEM. You'll notice I'm in some of these photos. I was on double duty at this wedding as photographer and maid of honor. My girl Kristina took the photos of the ceremony and bridal party (at least the ones I was in). She did an awesome job as my second. These are all taken by her. 

Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer
Stephanie Benge Photography | West Tennessee Wedding Photographer

It's not exactly a flattering picture, but it very clearly describes this particular group of people. They would be crazy to think I wouldn't include it.

During the ceremony (which I forgot to prepare for with sunscreen) I could feel myself getting a sunburn. The second it was over I had Kacye sunscreening me while I worked. 

The following series is a documentation of the coolest/weirdest group of folks in the world. My favorite group, actually.

Lauren & Brandon - Nashville Engagement

Meet Lauren and Brandon.

My first real interaction with Lauren and Brandon was at a wedding I shot last year at Crown Winery in Humboldt, TN. Lauren was a bridesmaid and Brandon was a faithful assistant throughout the setting up process. I remember showing Lauren how disgusting (really... DISGUSTING) my feet were after shooting a wedding all day. I probably should have tried to leave a better impression than showing my dirty feet to someone, but I guess it worked! I was so happy that Lauren contacted me when she and Brandon got engaged! I'm excited for their wedding in November.

This engagement session in Nashville was so much fun. Lauren told me they weren't really "field of flowers" kind of people and they were looking for more industrial looking engagement photos. Challenge accepted. I took them to The Gulch in Nashville, where almost everything fits that description. 

From shooting with Lauren and Brandon I learned a little bit about them. That's why I loved doing engagement shoots before the wedding.

1. They laugh A LOT. I love it! They really make each other smile, which I think is a good thing if you're planning to get married.
2. Brandon loves coffee, Lauren does not.
3. They are both very easily distracted. Haha!

We arrived in The Gulch at the same time, but I had to wait behind someone to pay for my parking for a while, so they stepped into this coffee shop called The Tin Cup. I met them there and decided it was a pretty cool place for photos so that's where we started our shoot. It's lucky I was held up paying for parking because I think Brandon discovered his new favorite coffee. I had to take his cup away for us to take some photos and he was not happy with me. After the session he walked back to the shop and bought more coffee...

Brandon has this super awesome tattoo and I just needed to show it to everyone...

I promise, this just started happening without prompting. So I let it happen and then encouraged it.

I love how much they make each other smile!